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Schedule your time wisely to provide yourself sufficient time each day to prepare for the Worldatwork C3E exam. Make time each day to study in a quiet place, as you'll need to thoroughly cover the material for the Quantitative Principles in Compensation Management exam. Our actual Certified Compensation Professional exam dumps help you in your preparation. Prepare for the Worldatwork C3E exam with our C3E dumps every day if you want to succeed on your first try.

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For the same problem set, the market appears to be paying entry-level buyers 42,500. Approx how many job evaluation points should your entry-level buyer position be worth to your org, assuming the regression model provides a good fit, based solely on the linear model of y = 15000 + 50x?

Answer: D

For the same problem set, what should your organization pay for an entry-level production-manual editor, a job that has been determined to be worth 500 job evaluation points. y = 15000 + 50x

Answer: D

For the same problem set, what does the value 50 represent in the same equation? y = 15000 + 50x

Answer: D

Market based pay = Intercept + (slope) x (job worth). You have collected data and have quantified your model as follows: y = 15000 + 50x. The value of 15,000 in the model represents which of the following?

Answer: D

What type of relationship does this equation model?

y = a + bx + cx2

Answer: A

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