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Which activity cannot be used as a Condition in a Retry Scope activity?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Retry Scope condition can be one of the activities that return a boolean. Even though the Path Exists activity also returns a Boolean value, it cannot be used in Retry Scope, it is an exception.

Instead of using Path Exists activity, you can use a Check True activity and as a condition placeSystem.IO.File.Exists(filepath).

UiPath Documentation

UiPath Forum

Exam Topic:Identify and describe the use of the error handling activities such as Try Catch, Throw, Rethrow, Retry Scope, and Global Exception Handler.


A developer wants to automate a process in an internal ERP system. The robot needs to log in to the system using login and password. What is the correct approach to using credentials in UiPath?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Gets a specified Orchestrator credential by using a provided AssetName, and returns a username and a secure password.


Exam Topic:Describe how to work with Orchestrator queues and assets


A foreground process is running on the user's machine. A developer starts a new background process on the same machine while the foreground process is still running. What will happen in such situation?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

A background process doesn't need to interact with UI elements on the screen but rather relies on background processes to pass along information. UIAutomation activities should not be used in these project types.Multiple such processes can simultaneously run on a machine, even if a foreground process is already running.

The type of process is generally dictated by the type of activities it uses (whether or not they interact with UI elements). However, you can specify the type when you create a new process from Studio. By default, all processes are marked as foreground, unless specified otherwise.

UiPath Documentation

Exam Topic:Identify and describe how UI Automation activities and/or Excel activities can be configured to interact with background windows


A developer uses ScreenScraping to extract unstructured data from a webpage. How can the developer transform the unstructured data into a datatable?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Generate Data Table activity generates a DataTable variable from unstructured data. This activity enables you to select column and row separators according to which the table is generated. This activity is automatically generated when using the Generate Table feature in the Screen Scraping window.

UiPath Documentation

Exam Topic:Describe how to work with complex data structures and data manipulation; for example, datatables and collections


A developer uses Send Outlook Mail Message activity to send a notification mail to theFinance team. A developer wants to change the font color of the mail message to red. How can it be achieved?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

IsBodyHtml property specifies whether the body of the message is written in HTML format. Using HTML notation, it is possible to edit font color, text alignment, font and many other visual properties of the mail text.

UiPath Documentation

Exam Topic:Identify and describe how activities are used to automate actions in Excel, e-mail, and .pdfs

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