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A developer needs to use the REFramework to automate a business process that involves processing transactions within an Excel table. Each transaction in the table should follow the same steps for
processing and queues cannot be used as there is no Orchestrator in the environment.
Which variable type is best suited for Transactionltem in this scenario?
See the explanation below.
Option B is incorrect because UiPath.Core.QueueItem is a variable type that represents an item from a queue in Orchestrator. If there is no Orchestrator in the environment, queues cannot be used and QueueItem is not applicable. Option C is incorrect because System.Data.DataTable is a variable type that represents a table of data with rows and columns. A single transaction item cannot be a whole table, but only a row from the table. Option D is incorrect because System.Data.DataRow[] is a variable type that represents an array of data rows. An array is a collection of items of the same type that can be accessed by an index. A single transaction item cannot be an array, but only an element from the array.
The UiPath ReFrameworkdocumentation from UiPath
State Machinesdocumentation from UiPath
Process.xamldocumentation from UiPath
[TransactionItem Variable] documentation from UiPath
[DataRow Class] documentation from Microsoft
[Excel Activities] documentation from UiPath
[QueueItem Class] documentation from UiPath
[DataRow[] Structure] documentation from Microsoft
[Array Class] documentation from Microsoft
A developer wants to add items to a list of strings using the Invoke Method activity. The list is declared as follows:
The Invoke Method includes the following properties:
The Parameters property is as follows:
Based on the exhibits, what is the outcome of this Invoke Method activity?
See the explanation below.
TargetObject: Colors (the list variable)
MethodName: Add (the method of the List class)
Parameters: Direction - In, Type - String, Value - ''Yellow'' (the item to be added to the list)
Based on these properties, the Invoke Method activity will add the string ''Yellow'' to the end of the Colors list. Therefore, the outcome of this Invoke Method activity is that Colors will contain items in the following order: ''Red'', ''Green'', ''Yellow''.
Option A is incorrect because the Invoke Method activity will not throw an error, as the properties are configured correctly. Option B is incorrect because the order of the items in the list will not change, as the Add method appends the item to the end of the list. Option D is incorrect because the list will have three items, not two, as the Add method does not overwrite any existing item.
A developer has defined a variable named "CurrentDate" of type Date Time. Which of the following expressions can be used to show what hour was 12 hours prior to the date from the variable?
In the context of the REFramework, if the OrchestratorQueueName key is present in both the Settings and Assets sheets, but an asset with the corresponding name is not present in Orchestrator, what will be the behavior at run time?
See the explanation below.
The InitAllSettings workflow will read the value of the OrchestratorQueueName key from the Settings sheet and store it in the config dictionary.
The InitAllApplications workflow will try to retrieve the asset with the name OrchestratorQueueName from Orchestrator using the Get Asset activity. Since the asset does not exist, the activity will throw an exception.
The exception will be caught by a Try Catch block and handled by a Log Message activity with level Warning and message ''Asset not found: OrchestratorQueueName''.
The flow will continue with the next asset in the Assets sheet or move to the next state if there are no more assets.
The flow will use the value of the OrchestratorQueueName key from the config dictionary whenever it needs to access or update the queue.
Therefore, option B is correct. Option A is incorrect because the exception is thrown in InitAllApplications workflow, not InitAllSettings workflow. Option C is incorrect because an empty string is not saved for the OrchestratorQueueName key in the config dictionary. Option D is incorrect because the OrchestratorQueueName key is added to the config dictionary and the flow does not throw in Get Transaction Data workflow.
How to Use Enhanced REFramework to Implement UiPath Projectsarticle from UiPath
Config.xlsxdocumentation from UiPath
[InitAllSettings.xaml] documentation from UiPath
[InitAllApplications.xaml] documentation from UiPath
[TransactionItem Variable] documentation from UiPath
Considering a process developed using REFramework, if the status of a transaction was set to "Failed" with the Error Type specified as "Business", the process will transition to which state?
See the explanation below.
The UiPath ReFrameworkdocumentation from UiPath
State Machinesdocumentation from UiPath
Process.xamldocumentation from UiPath
TransactionItem Variabledocumentation from UiPath
[Queue Item Statuses] documentation from UiPath
[GetTransactionData.xaml] documentation from UiPath
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