What is the best way to pass the PSM-I exam?
The best way to pass the PSM-I exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated PSM-I exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.
Where do I find updated PSM-I exam questions?
Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate PSM-I exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.
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Scrum PSM-I Exam Questions

Scrum PSM-I - Professional Scrum Master

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PSM-I Questions

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Reading Time: 7 mins | Publish Date: 03-04-2019 | Update Date: 15-03-2025

Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam - At a Glance

Scrum is an international network designed for managing projects that are centered on software development. Scrum also designs solutions for marketing research, research analysis, sales, and digital marketing. Many other advanced-level technologies are also being developed at Scrum Platform to promote and grow the businesses of the modern era.

A Certified Professional Scrum Master has the approved and verified knowledge of the Scrum Framework. He gains expertise in Scrum Master accountabilities and how to apply Scrum. The PSM I certification is recognized as a Foundation-level Certification to master Scrum skills. A PSM I certification holding person has a proven skill-set to develop and deploy Scrum Solutions while working in collaboration with Scrum teams of Professionals. PSM I Certified Pro’s have a consistent terminology and approach to Scrum.

What are the Prerequisites of the Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam?

If you want to take the Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam then it would be good news for you that this foundation-level certification has no primary prerequisites. But the candidate for this PSM-I certification exam must have a Bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or in the field relevant to these domains. Scrum is one of the high-profile IT associations therefore in your journey to becoming a Certified Scrum Professional you should have hands-on experience along with the necessary skills to practice Scrum Agile Projects.

Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam candidates should have the ability to administer and train the Scrum Development Teams. He should learn some problem-solving and interpersonal skills for project management before becoming a Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam candidate. All these prior skills and experience are necessary to ace Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam on the first attempt.

The core objectives covered in Scrum PSM-I Exam are:

The PSM-I Certification Exam candidates are expected to gain expertise in the following domains so that they should become successful to build their professional and financial careers as Scrum PSM-I Certified Professionals:

  • Understanding the Concept and Application of the Scrum Framework
  • Developing People and Professional Teams
  • Managing Agile Projects and Products
  • Developing & Delivering Products is Professional Way
  • Learning of Evolution of the Agile Organization

Complete Guide on How to Reserve your Seat for Scrum PSM-I Exam:

If you follow the following list of important steps then you would be able to reserve a seat for the Scrum PSM-I Certification exam:

  • Search in google: PSM-I Certification Exam
  • Clicking on the first link will take you to the Scrum main website.
  • Click on the “Start Button” on this page.
  • Create an account on Scrum through the signup option.
  • Fill up the Registration form.
  • Select the time, date, and payment option for paying your PSM-I certification fee.
  • Get a discount offer for the PSM-I Exam if Scrum offers this exam.
  • As a result of the above steps, your seat PSM-I Exam has been reserved now.

What are the responsibilities of the Scrum PSM-I Certified Professional?

A Scrum PSM-I Certified Professional has some professional skills:

  • Maintain the process of developing Scrum Solutions with a thorough understanding of the Scrum Framework.
  • Monitor and motivate professional teams to improve the Agile Process.
  • Facilitate Meetings and decision-making processes while improving the features of Scrum Solutions.
  • Eliminate the Lack of Professional Teams by building their confidence through training and coaching.
  • Serve as a leader in software development and Service management.
  • Increase the proficiency and productivity of the Business upon which Scrum Solutions is based.
  • Add more features and values to enhance the delivering ability of the Agile process.
  • Make new plans and strategies to follow and manage the growth of Scrum Solutions
  • Track Project processes carefully considering their deliverables, and financials.
  • Determine tasks to manage risks and design an action plan to prevent loss.

PSM-I certification has the main job role as a Certified Scrum Master which is in high demand by reputable Scrum-oriented Software development companies.

The benefits of earning a Scrum PSM-I Credential:

The content in this heading is going to give an idea of why earning a Scrum PSM-I Credential is worthwhile for you. Being a Scrum Certification, the PSM-I Credential serves as a gateway to get an approach to the highly paid opportunities in the fields like Software development, Sales, Marketing, and advanced-level technologies. Scrum is a high-profile and recognized network in the world of IT. That’s why having a Scrum Certification gives one an edge in the IT industry to start and build his/her financial career at a faster rate.

PSM-I credential, which is invigilated by Scrum, is a foundation-level and very important certification in building someone’s professional profile. In the profile of a PSM-I-Certified Scrum Master, there is proof of some professional skills like project management, development of apps and solutions, business analysis, and adding new technologies to the concerned projects.

Some important points associated with the benefits of achieving PSM-I certification are discussed below:

Acquiring Mastery Skills to work on Scrum Projects:

Acquiring the skills that are being provided by the Scrum PSM-I certification validates the knowledge of the person holding this credential to administer and grow the projects designed by Scrum professionals. Many companies hire IT engineers, to generate and boost their sales. Certified IT engineers having a worthy certification like Scrum PSM-I certification are always preferred over non-certified engineers.

Ability to work in collaboration with Teams and Management:

A Certified Scrum master is specialized in working on Agile framework by taking and providing help to management teams. The collaboration of both teams and systems delivers quality services to the users/customers. The company gets the desired results in both development as well as in selling its services and products to a huge consumer group.

Improves both One's Mindset and Skill Set at the same time:

PSM-I certification is an opportunity for every Scrum exam candidate to equip himself/herself with tools and practical skills to monitor and grow Agile networks and systems. It reflects the professional skill set and a positive mindset of its Certified Professional to play a dominant role in the development and conservation of the processes centered upon Agile.

Reduce one’s efforts in searching Desired Salary Job:

With PSM-I certification you will have to do less effort while finding the desired position in a high-rank IT corporation. This is because Certified Scrum Masters have a special career advancement after getting their PSM-I credential, especially in Scrum-based organizations.

Opportunity to become a Member of the Scrum Community:

Scrum Experts are dedicated to running the Agile procedures and continual upgradation of the projects. PSM-I certification increases your chances to become one of the recognized professional trainers in handling Scrum projects and get introduced in the Scrum Community.

For whom Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam is Intended?

Though any candidate who is interested in getting associated with Scrum can take the PSM-I Certification Exam there is a list of some people working in specific domains who are concerned with this certification exam preferably:

  • Scrum Master in Scrum company
  • Product Owner in a Scrum Company
  • Scrum Software Developer
  • Scrum Agile Leader
  • Scrum Agile Coach or Consultant
  • Stakeholder of a Scrum Company
  • A person who knows nothing about Scum but Eager to learn

This certification is particularly advantageous for the people in an organization who are accountable for managing scrum projects, including Scrum Masters, managers, and Scrum Team members.

What is the most optimal way to prepare for the Scrum PSM-I Exam?

Do you want to know what is essential to design an optimal study plan for you so that you may pass your PSM-I certification exam on your first go? The following list of necessities is very helpful for making an optimal for you to give you confidence for getting the desired results in your certification exam:

  • Relevant Study material for the PSM-I exam.
  • The most recent Study material for Preparing PSM-I exam questions.
  • The practice of PSM-I exam questions.
  • Interest in getting associated with Scrum.
  • Free from fear of Failure
  • Aware of job responsibilities as PSM-I Certified Scrum Master

Relevant Study material for the PSM-I exam.

Most of the Scrum PSM-I exam candidates are searching for study material from every possible source. In this effort, they waste both their time and money. Wasting time and money means that the study material they get does not consist of relevant and syllabus-based PSM-I exam questions. Your success in the PSM-I exam does not depend upon the amount of study material you get but on the relevancy of the PSM-I exam questions you get from any source.

The Most recent Study material for Preparing PSM-I exam questions.

Many PSM-I exam candidates are far away from the latest questioning techniques which lead to their failure in their certification exam. When the PSM-I exam candidates are connected with the source of the latest PSM-I exam questions then it ensures their success in the exam.

The Practice of PSM-I exam questions.

Evaluation of PSM-I exam candidates’ preparation plays a key role in making the candidates close to their success in his certification exam. It gives the idea to the PSM-I exam candidate about the weak points in the preparation of PSM-I exam questions giving him a chance to make improvements in his studies.

Interest in getting associated with Scrum.

When the PSM-I exam candidates have information about the worth and scope of Scrum Certifications, especially the profile and credibility of the Scrum Platform, then it makes the candidate more interested in preparing for the certification exam.

Free from fear of Failure.

Fear of failure in your certification exam kills your ability to perform well in the actual certification exam. If you want to pass your PSM-I Certification exam on your first go you have to overcome your fear of failure and this can only be done if you gain full confidence while preparing for PSM-I exam questions.

Aware of job responsibilities as PSM-I Certified Scrum Master

Before you're going to appear in the PSM-I Certification Exam you should be aware of the job roles destined for a PSM-I Certified Scrum Master. It will make you clear about which direction you would go after getting certified with PSM-I Certification.

Quick Study Guide for Scrum PSM-I Certification

The quick study guide includes getting the latest PSM-I exam syllabus, filtering relevant PSM-I exam questions from extra and irrelevant questions, regular and repeated practice of PSM-I exam questions, and saving your study data for future study.

Following the above quick study guide will be beneficial for your making up an optimal study plan. And your dream to pass the certification exam first can come true.

Effective Study Hacks that Make Preparation for the Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam Enjoyable

The most effective method of preparation for the Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam is present in Examskit products for PSM-I exam questions. The following list is justifying that why our products guarantee your 100% Success in Scrum PSM-I Certification Exam:

  • The most updated and highly relevant PSM-I exam questions for you
  • Realistic PSM-I exam questions are available in 3 formats: pdf, Desktop practice questions, and Web practice questions.
  • No Outdated PSM-I exam questions are present in Our products.
  • User-friendly software to practice PSM-I exam questions and gain confidence in your preparations.
  • Stay updated with the latest Questioning techniques with our 90 days free updates offer for PSM-I exam questions.
  • Get Support through our 24/7 Active online chat system which replies to queries regarding PSM-I exam questions.
  • No more fear of failure in the PSM-I Certification Exam with our realistic PSM-I exam Dumps

Frequently Asked Questions about PSM-I Exam

  • What is the best way to pass the PSM-I exam?

    The best way to pass the PSM-I exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated PSM-I exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

  • Where do I find updated PSM-I exam questions?

    Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate PSM-I exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.

  • Can I pass my Scrum PSM-I exam with these PSM-I exam questions only?

    Why not! We are 100% confident in the quality of our Scrum PSM-I exam questions. After you have prepared your PSM-I exam from other study sources use our PSM-I questions to finalize your preparation. Examskit’s PSM-I exam questions and practice tests help you self-assess your preparation before your final exam.

  • How are these premium Scrum PSM-I exam questions different from free questions?

    Most people simply conduct a Google search and are presented with a lot of free Scrum PSM-I files and PDF files of questions with wrong answers plagiarized from outdated exam versions. These Scrum PSM-I exam questions have been developed by subject-matter professionals, who have been working with IT certifications for years and have close ties with IT certifications vendors. They make sure these premium PSM-I exam questions are always according to the latest official syllabus and no outdated or redundant material is present in it.

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Scrum PSM-I Questions

Are You Prepared Well Enough? Find Out with Our Scrum PSM-I Prep Material!

Preparing for the Scrum PSM-I certification exam is tedious, and time-consuming. You might not know if you are skilled enough to pass the exam.

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