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Salesforce Platform Developer I Exam Questions
Salesforce Platform Developer I - Platform Developer I
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Reading Time: 8 mins | Publish Date: 09-04-2020 | Update Date: 17-03-2025
Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Exam:
The Salesforce Platform Developer I certificate is designed for individuals with expertise, skills, and experience developing custom apps on the Lightning Platform. This certificate covers the Lightning Platform's essential programmatic capabilities for creating new business logic and interfaces to expand Salesforce using Apex, Visualforce, and basic Lightning Components. A candidate must pass the PDI exam to obtain this certificate. This exam is also required before taking the Salesforce Platform Developer II Multiple Choice exam.
Prerequisites To Take Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification:
The requirements before taking this credential exam include the following:
- The candidates must have a fundamental knowledge of Lightning Components.
- A minimum of six months of expertise on the Lightning Platform and one to two years of development experience are advised.
Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Audience:
The Salesforce Platform Developer I exam is designed for someone with experience creating and deploying fundamental business logic and user interfaces using the Lightning Platform's programmatic abilities and the practical application of developer fundamentals, process automation, logic, user interface, testing, debugging, and deployment. It is mainly intended for developers who are new to the industry or have little coding expertise.
Salesforce PDI Exam Syllabus Details:
This credential exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and up to 5 non-scored questions. The candidates are given 105 minutes to complete this exam. The candidates are required to attain 68% scores to pass this credential exam. This certification exam assesses a candidate's familiarity with and proficiency with the following four domains. A candidate should be able to use each of the subjects and objectives listed below and have practical experience building custom apps on the Lightning Platform:
- Understanding of Developer Fundamentals: 23%
- Knowledge of Process Automation and Logic: 30%
- Concept of User Interface: 25%
- Command on Testing, Debugging, and Deployment: 22%
Expertise Gained By Salesforce Platform Developer I:
Those candidates holding this credential have the following expertise:
- They know relational databases and data-driven applications.
- They are acquainted with understanding object-oriented programming languages, including Apex, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, and Java.
- They are familiar with governor restrictions and their implications.
- They are conversant with component-based designs and Model View Controller (MVC).
- They possess knowledge of the capabilities of the essential Salesforce items.
- They know the functions and applications of roll-up summary and formula fields.
- They know when to use declarative and programmatic approaches to solving business requirements.
- Where applicable, they can use the platform's pertinent declarative features.
- They are proficient in Apex programming and can modify Salesforce using Apex best practices.
- They may enhance the Lightning Platform by using Apex, Visualforce, and fundamental Lightning Components.
- They may create unique interfaces to expand Salesforce's functionality and create custom business logic by using the basic programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform.
- They understand the various environments and are experienced with testing, debugging, and deploying programs.
Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification - Advantages:
Holding this certification has many advantages. It helps the candidates in excelling in their professional careers. The advantages of this certification include:
- This certification offers a competitive edge in the job market and shows a person's dedication to professional growth.
- The global recognition of this qualification improves a person's employability and career mobility.
- The applicants' knowledge and abilities are validated by this certificate, indicating their commitment to staying current with the most recent Salesforce technology and best practices. They can increase their trust with peers and future employers as a consequence.
- The candidates' chances of being evaluated for a larger range of career prospects within the Salesforce ecosystem are increased thanks to this certification, which presents them as valued candidates in the eyes of employers.
- In addition to improving their abilities, applicants who invest in this certification may also make more money in the future, opening the door to pay increases, job promotions, or better job offers.
- The Salesforce Associate Certification offers a strong starting point for those interested in obtaining more advanced Salesforce qualifications.
Salesforce Platform Developer I Exam - Registration Process:
The testing service provider for the PDI credential exam is Trailhead. The following are the steps to register for this exam:
- Visit the official website of Trailhead and select the Platform Developer I Certification Exam.
- Click on ‘Schedule now’. A new window will appear.
- Log in with your email and proceed further.
- The next step is to purchase the exam voucher. The exam costs 200 US dollars plus applicable taxes.
- Once the payment is submitted, the exam will be scheduled.
How To Check Your Preparation For Salesforce Platform Developer I Exam?
The following preparatory requirements will provide an idea about how much you are prepared for your Salesforce Platform Developer I Exam:
- Valid PDI Exam Questions: When the questions you get for your Salesforce exam are relevant to the topics mentioned in the official PDI exam syllabus then your prep material is valid. And you can go for your Salesforce exam fearlessly.
- Updated Study Material: The worth of the PDI exam questions you prepare depends upon the up-to-dateness of the study material you got. The more updated questions you get, the more you will get desired results in your certification exam.
- Practice questions for Your Salesforce Exam: Practice questions play a vital role in the preparation for Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Exam. It provides the idea about the actual exam environment to the candidate.
- Dedication to Become an Expert End User Computing: Achieving the Salesforce certificate requires a firm commitment and dedication from its candidate. The candidate for this certification exam should focus on getting advanced-level knowledge and skills in Salesforce Platform Developer I to ensure first-attempt success.
- The extent to Which the PDI Exam Syllabus Is Completed: Where syllabus topics for the PDI Exam require more comprehension power and understanding ability from its candidates than covering all the topics and concepts is crucial to your Salesforce exam.
Among all the factors the quality of preparation material is a vital contributor to your Salesforce exam success. It creates the difference between a successful and failed exam attempt. Therefore, the candidates need valid, updated, and purely syllabus-based PDI Exam Questions to ensure their exam success.
Steps to Follow For Effective Salesforce Exam Preparation:
The following list of steps when followed in a sequence then can make your preparation effective study plan:
- Download the official and latest syllabus for the Salesforce exam.
- Get the latest and relevant PDI exam questions that determine your success path in your certification exam.
- You can search for PDI exam dumps to get an idea about the exact questioning styles used in the Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Exam.
- Find PDI Practice exams to ace the exam on the first go. Practice is the ultimate source of getting confidence in one’s preparation.
- Complete your syllabus for the Salesforce certification exam. It’s crucial for your success.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Platform Developer I Exam
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