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Given the code fragment:
.filter(s-> s.contains(''r''))
.forEach(System.out::println); //line n1
What is the result?
Given the code fragment:
public void recDelete (String dirName) throws IOException {
File [ ] listOfFiles = new File (dirName) .listFiles();
if (listOfFiles ! = null && listOfFiles.length >0) {
for (File aFile : listOfFiles) {
if (!aFile.isDirectory ()) {
if (aFile.getName ().endsWith (''.class''))
aFile.delete ();
Assume that Projects contains subdirectories that contain .class files and is passed as an argument to the recDelete () method when it is invoked.
What is the result?
Given the code fragments:
class Employee {
address;Employee (Optional
address) {this.address = address;
public Optional
getAddress() { return address; }}
class Address {
String city = ''New York'';
public String getCity { return city: }
public String toString() {
return city;
Address address = new Address;
addrs1 = Optional.ofNullable (address);Employee e1 = new Employee (addrs1);
String eAddress = (addrs1.isPresent()) ? addrs1.get().getCity() : ''City Not
What is the result?
class Student {
String course, name, city;
public Student (String name, String course, String city) {
this.course = course; this.name = name; this.city = city;
public String toString() {
return course + '':'' + name + '':'' + city;
public String getCourse() {return course;}
public String getName() {return name;}
public String getCity() {return city;}
and the code fragment:
new Student (''Jessy'', ''Java ME'', ''Chicago''),
new Student (''Helen'', ''Java EE'', ''Houston''),
new Student (''Mark'', ''Java ME'', ''Chicago''));
.forEach(src, res) -> System.out.println(res));
What is the result?
Given the code fragment:
//line n2
System.out.println(val.apply(10, 10.5));
What is the result?
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