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Eliminate Risk of Failure with Oracle 1Z0-809 Exam Dumps

Schedule your time wisely to provide yourself sufficient time each day to prepare for the Oracle 1Z0-809 exam. Make time each day to study in a quiet place, as you'll need to thoroughly cover the material for the Java SE 8 Programmer II exam. Our actual Oracle Java exam dumps help you in your preparation. Prepare for the Oracle 1Z0-809 exam with our 1Z0-809 dumps every day if you want to succeed on your first try.

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Given the code fragment:

List empDetails = Arrays.asList(''100, Robin, HR'', ''200, Mary, AdminServices'',''101, Peter, HR'');


.filter(s-> s.contains(''r''))


.forEach(System.out::println); //line n1

What is the result?

Answer: D

Given the code fragment:

public void recDelete (String dirName) throws IOException {

File [ ] listOfFiles = new File (dirName) .listFiles();

if (listOfFiles ! = null && listOfFiles.length >0) {

for (File aFile : listOfFiles) {

if (!aFile.isDirectory ()) {

if (aFile.getName ().endsWith (''.class''))

aFile.delete ();





Assume that Projects contains subdirectories that contain .class files and is passed as an argument to the recDelete () method when it is invoked.

What is the result?

Answer: B

Given the code fragments:

class Employee {



Employee (Optional

address) {

this.address = address;


public Optional

getAddress() { return address; }


class Address {

String city = ''New York'';

public String getCity { return city: }

public String toString() {

return city;




Address address = new Address;


addrs1 = Optional.ofNullable (address);

Employee e1 = new Employee (addrs1);

String eAddress = (addrs1.isPresent()) ? addrs1.get().getCity() : ''City Not



What is the result?

Answer: C


class Student {

String course, name, city;

public Student (String name, String course, String city) {

this.course = course; this.name = name; this.city = city;


public String toString() {

return course + '':'' + name + '':'' + city;


public String getCourse() {return course;}

public String getName() {return name;}

public String getCity() {return city;}

and the code fragment:

List stds = Arrays.asList(

new Student (''Jessy'', ''Java ME'', ''Chicago''),

new Student (''Helen'', ''Java EE'', ''Houston''),

new Student (''Mark'', ''Java ME'', ''Chicago''));



.forEach(src, res) -> System.out.println(res));

What is the result?

Answer: B

Given the code fragment:

BiFunction val = (t1, t2) -> t1 + t2; //line n1

//line n2

System.out.println(val.apply(10, 10.5));

What is the result?

Answer: D

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