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Which two statements are true about Maps in Oracle APEX?
See the explanation below.
A map is a type of component that enables you to view and manage data based on geographic locations. A map consists of a background map and spatial geometry objects that are sourced from data in a table or from a REST Data Source. Spatial geometry objects are shapes that represent real-world features on a map, such as points, lines, polygons, or heat maps. Two of the statements that are true about maps in Oracle APEX are:
Background maps do not require any API keys. This statement is true because Oracle APEX provides several background map options that do not require any API keys or registration to use. These options include OpenStreetMap, Stamen Maps, CartoDB Maps, and Esri Maps.
Maps support REST Enabled SQL. This statement is true because Oracle APEX allows you to use REST Enabled SQL as a data source for your map regions. REST Enabled SQL is a feature of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) that enables you to execute SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks over HTTPS using REST endpoints.
Which statement is true about the Approvals component?
See the explanation below.
The Approvals Component is a feature in Oracle APEX that enables you to create and manage tasks for user approval. The Approvals Component deals with all aspects of human approval in Oracle APEX, allowing you to put approval functionality into your applications. The Approvals Component creates one or more tasks for items that require approval based on a pre-configured template, known as the Task Definition. The Task Definition specifies the data source, display attributes, potential owners, business administrators, and available actions for the tasks. You can set up task approvers and administrators at design time or determine them dynamically at runtime based on data related to the task. For example, you can use a SQL query or a PL/SQL function to return the list of potential owners or business administrators for each task based on some criteria, such as department, role, or location.
You want to enable anyone to access your application using a built-in login page that captures a user name. Which authentication scheme would you choose?
See the explanation below.
Open Door Credentials is an authentication scheme that allows anyone to access your application using a built-in login page that captures a user name. You can use this scheme for testing purposes or for applications that do not require secure authentication. You can select this scheme from the Authentication Type list when creating or editing an authentication scheme. Reference: [Understanding Authentication] and [Creating an Authentication Scheme]
Which two statements are true about REST Data Sources?
See the explanation below.
A REST Data Source is a logical representation of an external web service in Oracle APEX. It can contain one or many Operations, which are the references to a concrete external web service endpoint. Oracle APEX supports three types of REST Data Sources: REST Enabled SQL Query, Web Source Module, and Generic REST Data Source. Oracle APEX provides direct integration of REST Data Sources in interactive reports and grids, as well as other components. REST Data Sources can support various authentication methods, such as Basic, OAuth2, or Custom. Reference: [Understanding REST Data Sources] and [Creating a REST Data Source]
In your application, you want to include a master aetall containing two pages
based on two related tables or views. The first page contains an interactive
report for the master table. The second page features a standard form for the
master and interactive grids for the detail. Which master detail form will you
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