What is the best way to pass the DP-900 exam?
The best way to pass the DP-900 exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated DP-900 exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.
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Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate DP-900 exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.
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Microsoft DP-900 Exam Questions

Microsoft DP-900 - Azure Data Fundamentals

Tips to Avoid Failure in Microsoft DP-900 Exam

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  • Assess Your Microsoft DP-900 Readiness Before Actual Exam
  • Get Access to the best study material and preparation tool for the DP-900 exam

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DP-900 Questions

Do Not Risk Your Career with Cheap but Redundant Preparational Material

ExamsKits’ Updated DP-900 Exam Questions Saves Your Time & Money

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Reading Time: 6 mins | Publish Date: 25-06-2020 | Update Date: 20-03-2025

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Accreditation - Core Idea:

This is a foundational level certification that has the core knowledge of data concepts and implementation of these concepts with the help of Microsoft Azure data services. The Microsoft exam candidates have a great opportunity to grow in the field of cloud computing by verifying their skills with this credential.

Azure Data Fundamentals makes its holding person qualified for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate certification.

Criteria For Taking Microsoft DP-900 Certification Exam:

No formal certification prerequisites for the candidates who are making their way to take Microsoft DP-900 Certification Exam. But the candidate for this certification exam must know the basic concepts of relational and non-relational data including different types of transactional or analytical data workloads.

Candidates for the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification exam can take free training available at the Microsoft official website. These training videos can serve as a primary source for getting core information regarding Azure Data Fundamentals. But to become a Master in Azure Data Fundamentals the candidates need something more along with study resources.

Who Should Go To Take Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Exam?

This certification is specifically intended for candidates who are just beginners in cloud computing and Azure data fundamentals. The preparation for this exam defines the path to get hands-on experience in handling projects related to Data Administration, Data Analytics, etc. The candidates have a strong foundation regarding core data concepts such as relational data, non-relational data, big data, and analytics.

The certification path of Microsoft DP-900 Certification also provides familiarity with the designated job roles, tasks assigned, and relevant responsibilities in the world of data and data analytics. Due to these reasons obtaining the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification is crucial for candidates who are ready to acquire technical skills to start working with data in the cloud.

Top Skills Mastered In Microsoft DP-900 Exam:

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification pathway involves the interaction as well as complete knowledge regarding the following domains included in the DP-900 Exam syllabus:

  • Demonstrating Core Data Concepts (25-30%)
  • Determining considerations for relational data on Azure (20-25%)
  • Identifying considerations for working with non-relational data on Azure (15-20%)
  • Describing an analytics workload on Azure (25-30%)

Get Scheduled With Pearson VUE For Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Exam:

Pearson VUE is an official platform which controls all events from registration up to exam invigilation. To initiate your process of registration at the Microsoft official website click on “Schedule with Pearson VUE”. It will take you to the certification registration page where you will create your Microsoft account or sign in with your existing account.

After signing in at Microsoft you have to create your candidate’s profile as a Microsoft exam candidate. Filling up the credentials as per the requirements mentioned on the registration form. The certification fee for this exam is $99 . After paying your certification fee through one of the payment methods your candidature will be confirmed.

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Professional - Tasks To Assign:

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals is a foundation-level. The central tasks around which the job roles revolve are listed as follows:

  • Delivering the Cloud Services
  • Developing innovative Azure solutions
  • Designing new solutions using Microsoft Azure services and other tools
  • Troubleshooting problems based on IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
  • Determining the requirements to maintain efficiency, data security, user security, and system integrity.
  • Answering questions related to public, private, and hybrid clouds
  • Modifying Azure's features enhancing user data protection.
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance and security using core Azure Data management skills.
  • Establishing high availability configurations where appropriate
  • Monitoring the use of operational resources to enhance performance
  • Maintaining the automation of cloud computing tasks
  • Ensuring the implementation of high-security measures.
  • Optimizing query performance depending upon the T SQL improvements, indexes, partitioning
  • Establishing and maintaining dashboards for real-time reporting on database metrics

Available Job Roles For A Microsoft Azure Data Fundamental Professional:

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamental is a foundation-level certification. Earning this certification makes it's certified professional capable to qualify for one of the job roles from the bullet points given below:

  • Azure Database Administrator
  • Data Analyst (Azure)
  • Azure Developer
  • Azure Data Engineer.
  • Data Platform Architect (Azure) .
  • Enterprise/Solution Architect. ...
  • Azure Data Engineer

Role-Based Benefits For Certified Professionals Having Azure Data Fundamentals Credential:

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification verifies your skills in Azure cloud management. You became qualified to take many other high-demanding certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate certifications etc.

The following are the key benefits that the candidate for the Microsoft DP-900 certification exam gets after passing the exam and achieving the certificate:

1. Securing High-Salary Jobs

2. Recognition in the domain

3. Source of opportunities

1. Securing High Salary Jobs:

Average salaries of Azure Data Engineers and Azure Database Administrators are between $100k to $150k per annum. This salary range is expected to rise in the next 2 to 3 years. This is due to the high-demanding job roles performed by Azure data engineers and Azure database administrators in Azure-based cloud computing organizations.

Azure Data Fundamentals credential being a foundation-level course helps its certified professionals to clear their path of becoming a certified Azure Data Engineer or Azure Database Administrator.

2. Recognition in the domain:

In the world of IT and Cloud computing you will get your recognition after grabbing the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals credential. Being a Microsoft certification the Microsoft DP-900 Certification has some extra edge in strengthening the profile of the candidate aiding him to chase the competition in the position he desires to be appointed at.

3. Source of opportunities

As discussed earlier, becoming a Certified Professional in Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals demonstrates that you are suitable to take Azure Database Administrator and Azure Data Engineer certifications. Earning one of these badges validates your expertise in Azure Core technologies giving you an edge in the industry.

Microsoft DP-900 Exam Preparation - Fundamental Needs:

Preparation for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification is sometimes a hectic task for its candidates. Many candidates fail to get the confidence that they actually need to pass their exam on the first attempt. The reason behind this failure is the fact that candidates mostly remain unaware of the actual need to pass the Microsoft DP-900 Exam.

The following list of the core needs along with their importance in the preparation of DP-900 exam questions may help you to save time from wasting your DP-900 Exam preparation:

1. Updated syllabus for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification Exam: Microsoft, the official vendor of the DP-900 exam has the latest syllabus for this certification exam. You can download the updated copy of this syllabus from the main certification page of the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification Exam.

2. Latest study material: The worth of the candidate’s preparation depends on up-to-dateness as well as conciseness of the DP-900 exam questions got by the candidates from any of the available sources. The candidates for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals should be aware of the latest questioning styles and the latest and most recently added topics in the syllabus. It is very important for candidates to hit their certification preparation goals.

3. Practice questions for DP-900 Exam: Along with the pdf questions candidates need some interactive questions from which they can test their current preparation. Practice DP-900 exam questions can serve as a source of improvement in a candidate's preparation and they may have a better idea about their position where they stand in their studies.

4. Regular and Organized Preparation evaluation: The preparation evaluation leads the candidates to know their weak DP-900 exam questions in their preparation for the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Exam. The candidates should have an organized and regular way to test whether they are prepared enough or not. This will help the candidates to maintain their preparation speed.

5. Syllabus Completion: how much the preparation method is effective the syllabus completion always remains the fundamental prerequisite for any type of certification exam. Microsoft DP-900 exam candidates can obtain their exam objectives when they are confident that they have prepared DP-900 exam questions of all the topics in their certification exam.

Best And Quick Study Plan For Microsoft DP-900 Certification Exam Preparation:

For optimizing your study plan into a best and speedy study strategy the candidates should follow the list of suggestions listed below:

  • Download and save the DP-900 exam questions according to the latest syllabus topics.
  • Don’t consider outdated and redundant questions to save your preparation time from wasting.
  • Practice DP-900 exam questions for your self-assessment before your actual exam. It is the key to your success in your certification exam.
  • Know and improve the mistakes in your preparation through preparation evaluation.
  • Track your performance in the preparation by keeping an eye on the extent of the syllabus completed.

Get Close To Your Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification With Our Questions:

Your success in the Microsoft DP-900 Certification Exam is in your hand with our amazing products for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification Exam. You don’t need to worry about the fear of failure in your certification exam with our Microsoft DP-900 exam questions. The reason behind this is the recency and relevancy of DP-900 exam questions. The following points are highlighting features in our products which make a success-securing source of exam preparation:

Latest DP-900 exam questions: Our verified system of subject matter experts is responsible to update our DP-900 exam questions from time to time. This system utilizes its technical skills to remove all the outdated questions from our 3 formats (PDF, DESKTOP, AND WEB SOFTWARE) for Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification Exam.

Excellent Prep Evaluation with our DP-900 exam questions: Our desktop and online web softwares offer a user-friendly interface using which the candidates can select the desired number of DP-900 exam questions for taking multiple tests. You can apply a test timer and get an assessment report on each test. Knowing your mistakes highlighted by the assessment report your preparation will get refreshed and you will improve according to the requirements of the actual certification exam.

Our DP-900 exam questions - A Source of Your Confidence: practicing more and more with our questions for the DP-900 exam results in your confidence more and more in your preparation. On your exam day, you will be one of the confident candidates for the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification exam.

Timely Preparation With Our DP-900 exam dumps: When the exam date of the DP-900 exam candidates gets closer and closer, their exam anxiety goes higher and higher. But our dumps for Microsoft DP-900 Exam questions are the perfect solution to addressing this problem, especially for those candidates who are just a few weeks away from their certification exam.

Ready-Made Success In DP-900 Certification Exam: Everything you need for your Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification exam is present in our DP-900 exam questions and a conclusion from all the discussion above can be drawn, your ready-made success in DP-900 Certification Exam is just one step away from you.

Frequently Asked Questions about DP-900 Exam

  • What is the best way to pass the DP-900 exam?

    The best way to pass the DP-900 exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated DP-900 exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

  • Where do I find updated DP-900 exam questions?

    Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate DP-900 exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.

  • Can I pass my Microsoft DP-900 exam with these DP-900 exam questions only?

    Why not! We are 100% confident in the quality of our Microsoft DP-900 exam questions. After you have prepared your DP-900 exam from other study sources use our DP-900 questions to finalize your preparation. Examskit’s DP-900 exam questions and practice tests help you self-assess your preparation before your final exam.

  • How are these premium Microsoft DP-900 exam questions different from free questions?

    Most people simply conduct a Google search and are presented with a lot of free Microsoft DP-900 files and PDF files of questions with wrong answers plagiarized from outdated exam versions. These Microsoft DP-900 exam questions have been developed by subject-matter professionals, who have been working with IT certifications for years and have close ties with IT certifications vendors. They make sure these premium DP-900 exam questions are always according to the latest official syllabus and no outdated or redundant material is present in it.

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    It is pretty simple to use our DP-900 exam simulator either desktop-based or web-based. Whenever you start the DP-900 exam simulator you are presented with a welcome screen with a bunch of various customization options such as the number of questions, setting a time limit, or selecting a passing percentage. You can then customize your exam according to your needs and start practicing!

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Microsoft DP-900 Questions

Are You Prepared Well Enough? Find Out with Our Microsoft DP-900 Prep Material!

Preparing for the Microsoft DP-900 certification exam is tedious, and time-consuming. You might not know if you are skilled enough to pass the exam.

Evaluate the Microsoft DP-900 exam readiness with our practice test software (Web-Application/Desktop Software), and immediately find out how much more studying you need. Fill those gaps in your preparation with our actual Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals exam questions available in PDF format and make your preparation perfect!

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