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Schedule your time wisely to provide yourself sufficient time each day to prepare for the Linux Foundation CKA exam. Make time each day to study in a quiet place, as you'll need to thoroughly cover the material for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam. Our actual Kubernetes Administrator exam dumps help you in your preparation. Prepare for the Linux Foundation CKA exam with our CKA dumps every day if you want to succeed on your first try.

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Task Weight: 4%



Schedule a Pod as follows:

* Name: kucc1

* App Containers: 2

* Container Name/Images:

o nginx

o consul

Answer: A

Task Weight: 4%



Scale the deployment webserver to 3 pods.

Answer: A

Score: 13%



A Kubernetes worker node, named wk8s-node-0 is in state NotReady. Investigate why this is the case, and perform any appropriate steps to bring the node to a Ready state, ensuring that any changes are made permanent.


Answer: A

Score: 5%



From the pod label name=cpu-utilizer, find pods running high CPU workloads and write the name of the pod consuming most CPU to the file /opt/KUTR00401/KUTR00401.txt (which already exists).

Answer: A




An existing Pod needs to be integrated into the Kubernetes built-in logging architecture (e. g. kubectl logs). Adding a streaming sidecar container is a good and common way to accomplish this requirement.


Add a sidecar container named sidecar, using the busybox Image, to the existing Pod big-corp-app. The new sidecar container has to run the following command:

/bin/sh -c tail -n+1 -f /va r/log/big-corp-app.log

Use a Volume, mounted at /var/log, to make the log file big-corp-app.log available to the sidecar container.


Answer: A

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