What is the best way to pass the CT-TAE exam?
The best way to pass the CT-TAE exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated CT-TAE exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.
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ISTQB CT-TAE Exam Questions

ISTQB CT-TAE - ISTQB Test Automation Engineer

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CT-TAE Questions

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Reading Time: 6 mins | Publish Date: 08-02-2023 | Update Date: 14-03-2025

ISTQB CT-TAE Certification Exam – Quick Details:

ISTQB Certified Tester, Advanced Level - Test Automation Engineer is an advanced-level certification offered by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) for software testing professionals who specialize in test automation.

The CT-TAE certification covers topics such as test automation design and architecture, scripting and programming, integration with the development environment, test automation frameworks, and continuous integration and deployment.

The CT-TAE exam consists of 40 questions and the passing score is 49 out of 75 points. The exam duration is 90 minutes and candidates’ expertise, in test automation and their ability to design, develop, and maintain automated tests for software projects, are tested.

What Are The Prerequisites of the ISTQB CT-TAE Exam?

The prerequisites for the ISTQB CT-TAE certification exam are as follows:

  • Foundation Level Certification: You must have obtained the ISTQB Foundation Level Certification before taking the CT-TAE exam.
  • Relevant Work Experience: You must have ]experience in software testing specifically in automation testing and a bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field.

It is important to note that these prerequisites are mandatory for taking the CT-TAE exam. Without meeting these requirements, you will not be eligible to take the exam and earn the certification.

Learning Objectives of the ISTQB CT-TAE Certification Exam:

The ISTQB CT-TAE certification exam covers a range of topics related to test automation engineering. The learning objectives of the Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer certification exam are as follows:

  • Get Introduced With The Objectives for Test Automation - 30 mins.
  • Test Automation Preparation- 165 mins.
  • Know The Generic Test Automation Architecture - 270 mins.
  • Identification Of Deployment Risks and Contingencies - 150 mins.
  • Knowledge Of Test Automation Reporting and Metrics - 165 mins.
  • Understand Manual Testing to an Automated Environment Transition - 120 mins.
  • Verifying the TAS - 120 mins
  • Follow the Continuous Improvement Process- 150 mins.

Expertise Gained By A ISTQB Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer:

  • Test Automation Design and Architecture: Understand the principles and best practices of test automation design and architecture, including identifying appropriate automation tools and technologies, developing automation test strategies, and designing automation frameworks.
  • Test Automation Planning and Execution: Understand the concepts of test automation planning and execution, including developing test automation plans, defining test automation metrics, and executing automated test cases.
  • Test Automation Maintenance: Understand the principles and best practices of test automation maintenance, including updating automation scripts, maintaining automation environments, and managing automation test suites.
  • Automation Tools and Frameworks: Understand the different types of automation tools and frameworks, including open-source and commercial tools, and how to select, configure, and integrate them into your test automation environment.
  • Scripting and Programming: Understand the fundamentals of scripting and programming, including the syntax and semantics of programming languages, and how to use scripting languages to automate tests.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment: Understand the principles and best practices of continuous integration and deployment, including integrating automated tests into the development process, managing code repositories, and deploying software releases.
  • Test Automation Reporting and Metrics: Understand how to report on test automation results, including generating automated test reports, analyzing test automation metrics, and identifying trends and patterns in test results.

These learning objectives are intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of test automation engineering principles and best practices and to prepare candidates for designing, implementing, and maintaining effective test automation solutions.

Who Should Take ISTQB CT-TAE Certification?

The ISTQB CT-TAE certification is targeted toward software testing professionals who specialize in test automation. The certification is designed for individuals who have already obtained the ISTQB Foundation Level. Candidates having at least 3 years of experience in software testing along with at least 2 years in automation testing are the best candidates for this certification exam. The targeted audience for the CT-TAE exam includes:

  • Test Automation Engineers: Professionals who are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining test automation frameworks and scripts. Test Automation Developers: Professionals who develop and implement test automation solutions using scripting and programming languages.
  • Test Automation Developers: Professionals who develop and implement test automation solutions using scripting and programming languages.
  • Test Automation Specialists: Professionals who specialize in test automation tools and technologies, and who are responsible for selecting and configuring automation tools and frameworks.
  • Quality Assurance Engineers: Professionals who ensure the quality and reliability of software applications through testing and test automation.
  • Software Developers: Professionals who develop software applications and who are interested in learning how to integrate test automation into their development process.

Overall, the CT-TAE certification exam is intended for professionals who are interested in advancing their knowledge and skills in test automation engineering and who wish to demonstrate their expertise in this area.

Technologies Covered In the ISTQB CT-TAE Certification Exam:

The ISTQB CT-TAE certification exam covers a range of core technologies related to test automation engineering. These core technologies include:

  • Automation Frameworks: Understanding the principles and best practices of automation frameworks, including data-driven, keyword-driven, and hybrid frameworks.
  • Scripting and Programming Languages: Understanding the syntax and semantics of scripting and programming languages such as Java, Python, and Ruby, and using them to develop automation scripts.
  • Test Automation Tools: Understanding the different types of test automation tools, including open-source and commercial tools, and knowing how to select, configure, and integrate them into your test automation environment.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment: Understanding the principles and best practices of continuous integration and deployment, including using tools such as Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo to automate software builds, testing, and deployment.
  • Test Management Tools: Understanding the principles and best practices of test management tools, including tools such as HP ALM, JIRA, and TestRail, and knowing how to use them to manage test cases, test runs, and test results.
  • Version Control Systems: Understanding the principles and best practices of version control systems such as Git, SVN, and TFS, and knowing how to use them to manage code repositories and automate software builds.
  • Virtualization and Containerization: Understanding the principles and best practices of virtualization and containerization technologies such as Docker, Vagrant, and VirtualBox, and knowing how to use them to create and manage testing environments.

Why Getting ISTQB CT-TAE Certification is Worthwhile?

Obtaining the ISTQB CT-TAE certification can provide several benefits to software testing professionals who specialize in test automation engineering. Some of the benefits of getting the CT-TAE certification include:

  • The CT-TAE certification demonstrates a high level of expertise in test automation engineering, making certification holders more attractive to employers and increasing their chances of career advancement.
  • The knowledge and skills gained through preparing for the CT-TAE certification exam can help professionals to perform their job more effectively and efficiently, leading to improved job performance and productivity.
  • CT-TAE certification is internationally recognized and accredited by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), providing certification holders with increased credibility and recognition in the software testing community.
  • Certification holders can join a global community of certified test automation engineers and benefit from networking opportunities, access to exclusive resources, and ongoing professional development.
  • The CT-TAE certification recognizes the expertise of professionals who specialize in test automation engineering and validates their knowledge and skills in this field.

Obtaining the ISTQB CT-TAE certification can provide significant benefits to professionals who specialize in test automation engineering, including improved career opportunities, job performance, credibility, and professional recognition.

How To Schedule ISTQB CT-TAE Exam?

To schedule your ISTQB CT-TAE certification exam, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of your local ISTQB Exam Provider. You can find a list of ISTQB Exam Providers on the ISTQB website depending upon location.
  • Register for the CT-TAE certification exam by providing your personal and professional information, including your name, contact details, and payment information.
  • Pay the exam fee. The exam fee varies depending on the location and type of exam you choose.
  • Get scheduled for your Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer certification and confirm the date and time for your sitting that will be informed to you through emails sent by the vendor.

How To Get Prepared For The ISTQB Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer Exam?

The following key points are very helpful in optimizing the prep plan for the candidates who are aspiring for taking the ISTQB CT-TAE Certification Exam:

Watch video trainings and Prep Sources for the exam:

Free lectures, video training, and study guides on the internet for CT-TAE exam questions may be helpful to understand the core concepts in preparation for the CT-TAE exam. But for the first attempt-success at the ISTQB exam, the candidates should not rely on these sources.

Get Connected With the successful CT-TAE exam candidates:

As there are many successful candidates who have passed their CT-TAE certification exam on the first go. You should try to get a source of connection with these candidates and ask them for guidance. The comment sections and community discussions can be helpful for you to achieve these kinds of objectives.

Get the valid and latest CT-TAE exam questions

CT-TAE exam questions you have for your certification exam preparation must be relevant and most updated. It is necessary to ace this Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer exam on your first attempt.

Practice Makes Success in the CT-TAE exam Easy for you:

The self-practice of CT-TAE exam questions trace the success in achieving the certification for you. If you do practice multiple times before the actual exam then your certification success is secured without any doubts.

How ExamsKit is Your Ideal Prep Source For ISTQB CT-TAE Certification Exam?

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Frequently Asked Questions about CT-TAE Exam

  • What is the best way to pass the CT-TAE exam?

    The best way to pass the CT-TAE exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated CT-TAE exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

  • Where do I find updated CT-TAE exam questions?

    Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate CT-TAE exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.

  • Can I pass my ISTQB CT-TAE exam with these CT-TAE exam questions only?

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ISTQB CT-TAE Questions

Are You Prepared Well Enough? Find Out with Our ISTQB CT-TAE Prep Material!

Preparing for the ISTQB CT-TAE certification exam is tedious, and time-consuming. You might not know if you are skilled enough to pass the exam.

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