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Which of the following laws is NOT involved in the regulation of employee background checks?
Chanel Hair Studio is a busy high-end hair salon. In an effort to maximize efficiency of its operations and reduce wait times for appointments, Chanel decides to implement artificial intelligence software that will use client profiles and history to predict which clients will likely be late for their appointments. Information used to create the client profile included appointment history, distance from the salon, and any references to being tardy pulled from the client's social media accounts. If a client is predicted to be late, their appointment will be cancelled within 5 minutes.
Based on the details, what is the biggest potential privacy concern related to Chanel's use of this new software?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to do all of the following EXCEPT?
When developing a company privacy program, which of the following relationships will most help a privacy professional develop useful guidance for the organization?
The FTC often negotiates consent decrees with companies found to be in violation of privacy principles. How does this benefit both parties involved?
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