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Schedule your time wisely to provide yourself sufficient time each day to prepare for the Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer exam. Make time each day to study in a quiet place, as you'll need to thoroughly cover the material for the Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer exam. Our actual Google Cloud Certified exam dumps help you in your preparation. Prepare for the Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer exam with our Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer dumps every day if you want to succeed on your first try.
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You support a service with a well-defined Service Level Objective (SLO). Over the previous 6 months, your service has consistently met its SLO and customer satisfaction has been consistently high. Most of your service's operations tasks are automated and few repetitive tasks occur frequently. You want to optimize the balance between reliability and deployment velocity while following site reliability engineering best practices. What should you do? (Choose two.)
See the explanation below.
You support a user-facing web application. When analyzing the application's error budget over the previous six months, you notice that the application has never consumed more than 5% of its error budget in any given time window. You hold a Service Level Objective (SLO) review with business stakeholders and confirm that the SLO is set appropriately. You want your application's SLO to more closely reflect its observed reliability. What steps can you take to further that goal while balancing velocity, reliability, and business needs? (Choose two.)
See the explanation below.
You want the application's SLO to more closely reflect it's observed reliability. The key here is error budget never goes over 5%. This means they can have additional downtime and still stay within their budget.
You support a service that recently had an outage. The outage was caused by a new release that exhausted the service memory resources. You rolled back the release successfully to mitigate the impact on users. You are now in charge of the post-mortem for the outage. You want to follow Site Reliability Engineering practices when developing the post-mortem. What should you do?
You are running an application on Compute Engine and collecting logs through Stackdriver. You discover that some personally identifiable information (PII) is leaking into certain log entry fields. You want to prevent these fields from being written in new log entries as quickly as possible. What should you do?
Your development team has created a new version of their service's API. You need to deploy the new versions of the API with the least disruption to third-party developers and end users of third-party installed applications. What should you do?
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