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Schedule your time wisely to provide yourself sufficient time each day to prepare for the GAQM CBAF-001 exam. Make time each day to study in a quiet place, as you'll need to thoroughly cover the material for the Certified Business Analyst Foundation (CBAF) exam. Our actual Certified Business Analyst exam dumps help you in your preparation. Prepare for the GAQM CBAF-001 exam with our CBAF-001 dumps every day if you want to succeed on your first try.

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Which of the following actions could sustain business change?

Answer: A

An IT department needs to upgrade its hardware to run the new version of an established operating system. The cost of this required upgrade is $2 million. As an alternative, the IT director has suggested that the company should change to a completely different operating system. Although this will cost $6 million, the change will bring many other benefits, including cheaper maintenance costs and increased security. What is the avoided cost in his proposal?

Answer: A

What is the business analyst doing when he or she compares the BAM with the current business situation?

Answer: C

The entity relationship model below shows the relationship between Customer and Order. Which of the following business rules is correct?


Answer: B

Which of the following lists includes only activities that are defined as support activities in the value chain?

Answer: C

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