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An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create symlinks for the frontend theme named Vendor/Orange using a CSS file:
Which CLI command would the developer use to create symlinks for the en_US locale?
See the explanation below.
The bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy command is used to create symlinks for frontend theme files during development. This command allows the developer to modify source files without running static content deployment every time. The developer can use parameters to specify the type, locale, theme, and file names for creating symlinks. For example, to create symlinks for a CSS file named styles-l.css for the Vendor/Orange theme and the en_US locale, the developer can use:
bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy --type=less --locale=en_US --theme=Vendor/Orange css/styles-l
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to debug an issue, where the path of the block template was invalid and the warning was added to a log file. Which mode are errors only written to a log file and not displayed?
See the explanation below.
The default and production modes are the modes where errors are only written to a log file and not displayed on the screen. This is done to prevent exposing sensitive information to users and attackers. The default mode is the mode that Adobe Commerce runs in by default if no other mode is specified. The production mode is the mode that Adobe Commerce runs in when it is deployed to a live site. The developer can use the following command to check the current mode:
bin/magento deploy:mode:show
When using Grunt, which CLI command is used to track changes in the source files and recompiles CSS files?
See the explanation below.
The grunt watch command is used to track changes in the source files and recompiles CSS files automatically. This command is useful for frontend development as it allows the developer to see the changes in real time without manually running other commands. The grunt watch command can be run with or without parameters to specify the theme and locale. For example, to track changes for the Vendor/Orange theme and the en_US locale, the developer can use:
grunt watch --theme=Vendor/Orange --locale=en_US
Adobe commerce fronted developer needs to speed up the cloud environment deployment process with predefined theme languages for reducing the number of unnecessary themes files.
Which place developer should add language codes?
See the explanation below.
The SCD_matrix deploy variable in the .magento.env.yaml file is used to speed up the cloud environment deployment process by specifying the theme languages for each theme. This reduces the number of unnecessary theme files that are generated during the static content deployment. The developer can add the language codes for each theme in the following format:
SCD_MATRIX: <theme>: <languages>
For example, to specify English and French languages for the Vendor/Orange theme, the developer can use:
SCD_MATRIX: Vendor/Orange: en_US,fr_FR
An Adobe Commerce developer has just installed an extension via composer. When running, bin/magento module: status Vendor_Module, the status is returned as Module is disabled.
Which two CLI commands need to be run to make the extension work properly? (Choose two.)
See the explanation below.
The developer needs to run these two CLI commands to make the extension work properly:
bin/magento module:enable Vendor_Module --clear-static-content This command enables the extension and clears any outdated static files that might interfere with its functionality.
bin/magento setup:upgrade This command updates the database schema and data according to the extension's requirements. The other two options are incorrect because they are not necessary to make the extension work properly. The composer install command installs all dependencies specified in the composer.json file, but it does not enable or update any extensions. The composer update vendor/module command updates an existing extension to its latest version, but it does not enable or upgrade it.
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